jueves, 30 de enero de 2014


Si eres capaz de ser feliz cuando estas solo, has aprendido el secreto de ser feliz.
Se você e capaz de ser feliz quando esta sozinho, você aprendeu o segredo de ser feliz. If you are able to be happy when you are alone, you learned the secret of being happy.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello,I just came across your blog and am really loving it - great idea to make it even more interesting with artistic nude pics and great quotes, by authors that I really love - like Nietzsche, Osho....
    All the best from Slovakia!


  2. Thanks Mimo! Nice to have you here! And you are one of the few who appreciates thes quotes so really. Thank you. All potos are taken by me and I'm running out of models so if you know anybody who would like to pose for me would be great!

  3. Haha, I don´t know anyone in your neck of the woods so I won´t be able to help with that :)
    Inspiring quotes are great, I even wear 2 by Nietzsche on t-shirts - trying to make people think. And some of them are actually stopped in their tracks, reading and wondering - wtf? :D
    Very few of them but it´s a start.
    Anyways, best wishes, and I will be definitelly around checking out what you are up to :)

  4. Good for you, that is one of the reasons I post quotes and gives me a chance to show my potos. Thanks for stopping by nice to have you here.
    Big Hug!

