martes, 24 de junio de 2014

Clave de Sol (II)

Cuando estaba haciendo este reportaje y vi las fotos en el ordenador no estaba convencido del diseño por lo que moví todo el verde hacia la izquierda para que se vea mejor el movimiento del tronco. Hice un reportaje de este árbol el 4 de Diciembre del 2012. El año pasado lo trasplante le quite los alambres y sus ramas no quedaron en posición. Ahora con la ayuda de Xavi lo pinzamos, cortamos algunas ramas, alambramos y posicionamos las ramas. Cambiamos ligeramente la posición de plantado para realzar la base del árbol. La rama trasera tengo la duda de si conservarla o no, de momento la mantengo. Es una pena que en la foto no se aprecie bien este árbol.
Quando eu estava fazendo este reportagem e vi as imagens no computador não estava convencido do desenho, assim que coloquei ou verde para a esquerda para poder olhar melhor o movimento do tronco. Fez um relatório desta árvore em 4 de dezembro de 2012. Transplante no ano passado quite os arames mais os galhos voltarem a sua posição antiga. Agora, com a ajuda do Xavi quite alguns galhos, aramamos e posicionar os galhos. Mudou um pouco a posição de plantado para aumentar a base da árvore. O galho posterior tenho a duvida se deve ou não mantê-lo, eu mantê-lo por enquanto. É uma pena que a imagem não foi bem apreciar a qualidade esta árvore.
When I was doing this story and saw the pictures on the computer I was not convinced of the design so I moved across the green to the left to make it look better the movement of the trunk. I made a report of this tree on December 4, 2012. I transplanted it last year and remove the wires and the branches didn’t stay in place. Now with the help of Xavi we pruned, cut some branches, wired and positioned the branches. Slightly changed the standing position to enhance the base of the tree. The rear branch I doubt whether or not to keep it, I keep it for now. It's a shame that in the pictures you do not appreciate this tree.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Jere,
    ist a very good rawmaterial ...let me take a Statement, o.k.? I think the wire you take on the top has not much Funktion, the angle of wireing is very near beside and could'nd Keep the strenght on the branch. That causes, that the windings, the movement is really boaring and simple. If you would take a other wiretechnik you can bring more Action, movement, wildness and history in this part. Before I would band it with Raffia so that Little cuts in the bark and lifevenes could heal fast. Perhaps I am wrong because of the twodimensinal Picture ... so sorry for my comment ;-)

  2. Hello Avicenna! Thanks for your comments. I am not sure if I understand what you mean if it's because the wire is too close or the design of the top branch. The Wire is close so as to be able to bend without breaking the branch. I don't use raffia with this Pine as it grows very fast and I dont want damage the bark. If it is for the design maybe I should have posted together the design that Mario Komsta did for this tree is the previous story. But as you say the photo doesn't help ast it is two dimensional. If you ever come to Barcelona you are invited to see it.
