Los transplantes los llevo a cabo al final de la floración después de quitar los capullos que le quedan. La tierra utilizada es Kanuma inoculada con Micorrizas Ericoides, y le doy un baño de Superthrive.
Transplantes são realizados no final da floração após a remoção dos capulhos que são deixadas. O substrato usado é Kanuma inoculado com micorrizos ericoides, e mergulhado em Superthrive.
Transplants are carried out at the end of flowering after removing the flower buds that are left. The soil used is Kanuma, inoculated with Ericoid mycorrhizas, and give it a bath of Superthrive.
2 comentarios:
do you think SuperThrive is helping your plants? You are using it longer time with some proof of good results?
Tree is very nice.
Thanks.Yes I think so I have been using it for over 15 years. I only use it for transplanting and for collected trees and when watering the first weeks after transplanting. Then I use organic fertilizers, like Biogold, Green King, but if I have moss I use liquid Guano.
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