viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

Ullastre, Olea Europaea spp. Sylvestris, V.

Después de casi dos años ya está en maceta de Bonsai este hermoso Ullastre. El primer reportaje lo hice en Agosto de 2010. La maceta se la encargue al artista y amigo Carles Vives, , acerto plenamente con el diseño de esta maceta combina, perfectamente con el carácter del árbol. La tierra utilizada fue una mezcla de 70% de Akadama, 20% de Volcánica y 10% de carbón.
Após quase dois anos já pude ficar em vaso de bonsai esta Oliveira. O primeiro reportagem que eu fiz foi em agosto de 2010. Encarreguei o vaso para o artista e amigo Carles Vives, , acertou totalmente com o desenho, o vaso combina perfeitamente com o caráter da árvore. O substrato usado foi uma mistura de 70% de Akadama, 20% de vulcânico e 10% de carvão.
After almost two years I have been able to put in a bonsai pot this beautiful Olive tree. I did the first report of this tree in August 2010. I asked my friend and artist Carles Vives, , to make a pot for it, he fully hit with the design it combines perfectly with the character of the tree. The soil used was a mixture of 70% of Akadama, 20% of volcanic and 10% charcoal.
Altura, Altura, Height: 65 cm. Anchura, Amplo, Width: 60 cm. Profundidad, Profundidade, Depth: 36 cm. Nebari: 17 cm.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo... really are interested in trees and plants.are you a gardener?

is very nice!!i think you do a great work.nothing is soo good than to see a man working with his garden.
Peace and love!


Jere dijo...

No Anita I'm not a gardener I just have Bonsai as a hobby and has become my passion, I'm a salesman.
Thanks for your compliments.
A big hug!

Johan dijo...

I do like you blog with all the interesting trees.

Jere dijo...

Thanks Johan! Sorry for the delay in my response. Best regards!