Durante el evento hubo demostraciones de Robert Steven, Liu Chuan Gang, Quingquan Zhao, Peter Huang, Taiga Urushibata, Pep Ferrer, Rubén Roig, Thierry Font, Josep Mª Miquel, Sebastien Dalber y Antonio Zamora. Los trabajos de los artistas Chinos no es tan rígida como la de los Japoneses se vuelcan más a lo natural, sin reglas que les aten. Taiga Urushibata parece ser el heredero natural de Masahiko Kimura. Rubén Roig nos deleito con sus formidables dibujos. Thierry Font me dibujo un hermoso Prunus Mahaleb en mi libro de autógrafos.
Durante o evento houve demonstrações de Robert Steven, Liu Chuan Gang, Quingquan Zhao, Peter Huang, Taiga Urushibata, Pep Ferrer, Rubén Roig, Thierry Font, Josep Mª Miquel, Sebastien Dalber e Antonio Zamora. O trabalho dos artistas chineses não é tão rígida em quanto a dos Japoneses estão se voltando mais ao natural, sem regras para amarrá-los. Taiga Urushibata parece ser o herdeiro natural de Masahiko Kimura. Rubén Roig nos deleito com seus desenhos incríveis. Thierry Font desenho um Prunus Mahaleb no meu livro de autógrafos.
During the event there were demonstrations of Robert Steven, Chuan Liu Gang, Quingquan Zhao, Peter Huang, Taiga Urushibata, Pep Ferrer, Ruben Roig, Thierry Font, Josep M ª Miquel, Sebastien Dalber and Antonio Zamora. The work of the Chinese artists is not as rigid as that of the Japanese are more natural, with no rules to tie them. Taiga Urushibata seems to be the natural heir of Masahiko Kimura. Rubén Roig delighted us with his awesome drawings. Thierry Font drew a lovely Prunus Mahaleb in my book of autographs.
2 comentarios:
Wow I would love to see demonstration by Quingquan Zhao :)
Would you have any pictures or video of the demonstration or some of his work that he may have presented there?
No sorry there was too many things to see and didn't get a chance to do any video.
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