martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

"El Olmo de Bernal" (III)

Este pasado fin de semana Xavi me ayudo nuevamente con este Olmo que como se aprecia en la primera foto creció con vigor. Quitamos los alambres, podamos y volvimos a alambrarlo. Tengo dos reportajes más de este árbol el 2/7/2014 y el 19/3/2013.
Este fim de semana passado Xavi me ajudou novamente com este Olmo, como mostrado na primeira foto cresceu vigorosamente. Quitamos os arames, e voltamos aramar e podar. Tenho mais histórias dessa árvore em 2/7/2014 e 19/3/2013.
This past weekend Xavi helped me again with this Elm tree as shown in the first picture grew vigorously. We removed the wires, pruned and we returned to wire it. I have two more stories on this tree the 2/7/2014 y el 19/3/2013.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Why do you style an elm like a conifer? The branches should be bend in upper direktions, I think, or ?

Jere dijo...

Good question, the reason is where this tree was growing was under very bad conditions if you look at the base it gives you an idea as all the dead wood is natural. The branches where growing downwards so I have followed the same growth. Thanks!
Best regards!